Tagged “Blink”
Announcing the Web Engines Hackfest 2025
A new edition of the Web Engines Hackfest will happen on June 2, 3 & 4 in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain).
Web Engines Hackfest 2023 is coming
The Web Engines Hackfest 2023 will happen on June 5, 6 & 7 in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain).
10 years ago
Celebrating my first commit in WebKit back in January 18th 2013. 🎉
Igalia Web Platform team is hiring
Igalia is currently hiring for many positions, including my team — the Web Platform team.
TPAC 2022
A blog post about my participation at W3C TPAC 2022 in Vancouver (Canada).
Some highlights of the Web Engines Hackfest 2022
A personal retrospective of the Web Engines Hackfest 2022.
Web Engines Hackfest 2022
The Web Engines Hackfest 2022 will happen on June 13 & 14 in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain).
:focus-visible is shipping in Safari/WebKit
Finally ':focus-visible' has been enabled by default in WebKit and shipped in Safari 15.4, which completes the work on the first Open Prioritization experiment.
A story on web engines interoperability related to wavy text decorations
This is a blog post explaining the process of fixing an issue related to wavy text decorations in Blink, that ended up with a similar fix in WebKit.
The path of bringing :focus-visible to WebKit
Talk about ':focus-visible' at CSS Conf Armenia 2021.
:focus-visible in WebKit - May 2021
A report about the work done by Igalia during May 2021 adding support for :focus-visible in WebKit.
:focus-visible in WebKit - April 2021
A report about the work done by Igalia during April 2021 adding support for :focus-visible in WebKit.
:focus-visible in WebKit - March 2021
A report about the work done by Igalia during March 2021 adding support for :focus-visible in WebKit.
:focus-visible in WebKit - February 2021
A report about the work done by Igalia during February 2021 adding support for :focus-visible in WebKit.
:focus-visible in WebKit - January 2021
A report about the work done by Igalia during January 2021 adding support for :focus-visible in WebKit.
2020 Recap
A highlight of some interesting things that have happened at Igalia in 2020.
Open Prioritization and CSS Containment
Igalia is launching an experiment in crowd-funding prioritization for the Web.
Web Engines Hackfest 2020: New dates, new venue!
Announcing the Web Engines Hackfest 2020 that will happen on May 18-20 in A Coruña.
Web Engines Hackfest 2019
Personal review of the Web Engines Hackfest 2019 that happened past October at Igalia.
Talking about CSS Containment at CSSconf EU 2019
Two months ago I was in Berlin for CSSconf EU 2019 where I was speaking about css-contain.
Speaking at CSS Day 2019
Past Friday I was in Amsterdam attending CSS Day, where I gave a talk about what it takes to implement a new CSS property in a browser.
An introduction to CSS Containment
Igalia has been working on css-contain during the last months, in this blog post we talk about the feature and the state of the art around it.
Igalia at TPAC 2018
Next week a bunch of igalians will be at TPAC in Lyon (France), this is a post about the exciting week coming.
Web Engines Hackfest 2018
My personal summary of the Web Engines Hackfest 2018 that happened at Igalia office in A Coruña past week.
Changes on CSS Grid Layout in percentages and indefinite height
A s̶h̶o̶r̶t̶ long story on how percentage work on CSS in general and in CSS Grid Layout row tracks and gutters particularly.
CSS Logical Properties and Values in Chromium and WebKit
Post summarizing the status of the work by Oriol Brufau in his Igalia Coding Experience adding support for CSS Logical Properties and Values in Chromium and WebKit.
CSSWG F2F Berlin 2018
A blog post about my past week in Berlin attending the CSSWG F2F meeting and the co-located TYPO Labs event.
Getting rid of "grid-" prefix on CSS Grid Layout gutter properties
A new story behind the scenes, about how it was to unprefix the grid layout gutter properties in Blink and WebKit.
"display: contents" is coming
Finally "display: contents" support is being enabled on Chromium and WebKit, let's share some words about it.
Web Engines Hackfest 2017
Just a small recap about the Web Engines Hackfest 2017 which took place at Igalia's office past October.
Adding :focus-within selector to Chromium
Another story of the work done to implement a new pseudo-class in Blink.
Announcing a New Edition of the Web Engines Hackfest
Igalia is organizing and hosting the Web Engines Hackfest 2017 in October 2-4.
CSS Grid Layout is Here to Stay
The story behind CSS Grid Layout development in Chromium/Blink and Safari/WebKit performed by Igalia with Bloomberg's support.
Coloring the insertion caret
Summary of the work done to support 'caret-color' property in Chromium.
Recap of the Web Engines Hackfest 2016
Overview of the Web Enginges Hackfest 2016 including a summary of the talks and the work around CSS Grid Layout and MathML.
My experience at W3C TPAC 2016 in Lisbon
Some reflections after TPAC about Igalia, CSS Working Group and Houdini.
Grid Layout Summertime
Summary of the changes introduced during past summer on the CSS Grid Layout implementation
TPAC, Web Engines Hackfest & Igalia 15th anniversary on the horizon
September 2016 is going to be a special month for me full of events, even including some celebrations.
My BlinkOn 6 Summary: Grid Layout, Houdini & MathML
Different thoughts about past week at BlinkOn in Munich, reviewing the topics I was more interested on.
CSS Grid Layout and positioned items
Positioned grid items have some special features that will be explained on this blog post.
Igalia Coding Experience on Web Engines
Introduction to the Igalia Coding Experience program.
CSS Grid Layout from the inside out (HTML5DevConf 2015)
Summary of my trip to San Francisco past October, where I was talking about CSS Grid Layout at HTML5DevConf.
Subgrids thinking out loud
Summary of our thoughts about subgrids feature from CSS Grid Layout specification.
Deep Dive into Grid Layout Placement
Comprehensive review of the different methods provided by CSS Grid Layout spec for items positioning.
Layout Topics on the Web Engines Hackfest 2015
This is a summary of my participation in the Web Engines Hackfest 2015 around CSS Grid Layout and MathML.
Grid Layout Coast to Coast
This month I'll be at HTML5DevConf (San Francisco) talking about CSS Grid Layout.
CSS Grid Layout is just around the corner (CSSConf US 2015)
Summary of my NYC week where I was talking about CSS Grid Layout spec at CSSConf.
Grid and the City
In 2 weeks I'll be speaking about CSS Grid Layout at CSSConf (NYC)!
Web Engines Hackfest 2015: Save the dates!
Igalia is hosting a new edition of the Web Engines Hackfest in December 7-9.
Grid Auto-Placement Is Ready
CSS Grid Layout automatic placement feature has been completed in Blink and WebKit.
CSS Grid Layout 2014 Recap: Implementation Status
After the review of the [changes in the CSS Grid Layout spec in my previous post][1], let’s focus now in the status of the implementation in [Blink][2] and [WebKit][3]. This post will try to cover what we’ve been doing in [Igalia][4] during 2014 around grid layout, and it’ll talk about our plans for 2015.
CSS Grid Layout 2014 Recap: Specification Evolution
Year 2014 is coming to an end, so it’s the perfect timing to review what has happened regarding the [CSS Grid Layout][1] spec, which [Igalia][2] has been implementing in both [Blink][3] and [WebKit][4] engines, as part of our collaboration with [Bloomberg][5].
Presenting the Web Engines Hackfest
After the [Google’s fork back in April 2013][1], [WebKit][2] and [Blink][3] communities have been working independently, however patches often move from one project to another. In addition, a fair amount of the source code continues to be similar. Thus, it seems interesting to have a common place to discuss topics of shared interest and make plans for the future.
CSS Grid Layout Automatic Placement
In his [last post][1] my mate Sergio explained the different syntax to position elements inside a grid. Now is time to talk about the automatic placement feature, how it works and show some examples of its potential.
Welcome CSS Grid Layout
[Igalia][1] has been working in the implementation of [CSS Grid Layout][2] since past year (more below). This year I’ve had the chance to join the team and help to move forward this great spec.
Performance of selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink (Part II – perf profiler)
After the [initial post introducing this topic and describing the Performance Tests (perftests)][1], now is time to explain how to analyze the performance issues with a profiler in order to improve the code.
Approach to fix selection with CSS Regions (WebKitGTK+ hackfest late wrap-up)
As you probably know if you have been following this blog, we’ve been working for a while in selection interaction with CSS Regions inside a [collaboration between Adobe and Igalia][1].
Performance of selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink (Part I – Perftests)
In a nutshell, [CSS Regions][1] are a new [W3C][2] specification that allows next generation responsive design in the web platform (you can read [this article][3] for a nice introduction). [Adobe WebPlatform team][4] is doing a great job leading the implementation of this standard and we at [Igalia][5] are joining efforts to contribute to the challenge.
Improving tests coverage for selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink
It’s been almost a year since my previous post in this blog, I think this deserves an explanation. This year I’ve been working intensively in web internals as part of [Igalia’s browsers team][1]. Besides other stuff, I’ve been working in [WebKitGTK+][2] port and its new [WebKit2 API][3], contributing some patches into [Epiphany (GNOME Web Browser)][4] and lately working in the [CSS Regions][5] implementation in [WebKit][6] (where [I’m already a committer][7] :-D) and [Blink][8] as part of the collaboration between [Adobe and Igalia][9].
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