TYPO3 Extensions Configuration
This post try to explain how to develop TYPO3 extensions as flexible as possible, TYPO3 provides us with several mechanism to do it. Furthermore I’m going to show a very useful function to read every possible configuration variable on a TYPO3 extension.
O Galego en TYPO3 II
Xa temos unha conta no [servidor de traducións de TYPO3][1] para a lingua galega, e xa están subidas as traducións que fixeramos con anterioridade. Ademais creamos [unha páxina][2] no [wiki de TYPO3][3] para a coordinación do equipo de tradución.
Galician in TYPO3 II
We already have an account into [TYPO3 Translation Server][1] for Galician language, and we’ve already uploaded translations that we’ve done previously. Moreover we’ve created [a page][2] into [TYPO3 Wiki][3] to translation team coordination.
Developing TYPO3 Extensions (sg_showdoku)
Reading [TYPO3 Wiki][1] I’ve found the page [What is an extension?][2], it talks about 3 useful extensions when you are developing:
O Galego en TYPO3
A partir da versión 4.2 de [TYPO3][1] o [galego][2] será un idioma máis dentro deste [CMS][3]. Despois duns cantos correos na [lista de tradutores de TYPO3][4] (que comezaron cun correo de [Xavi][5] en xaneiro deste ano) conseguimos que o galego fose incluído no núcleo de TYPO3.
Galician in TYPO3
From the next [TYPO3][1] release 4.2 [galician][2] will be a language more inside this [CMS][3]. After few mails to the [TYPO3 translation list][4] (which began with a [Xavi][5] mail on January this year) we get that galician was added into TYPO3 core.