Como renovar certificados digitales con Firefox desde Ubuntu
Este mes caducaba mi [certificado digital][1] por lo que fui a la página de la [Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre][2] para renovarlo, a continuación os cuento los pasos que tuve que dar para renovar mi certificado desde [Firefox 3][3] en [Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron][4].
MyTime 0.1 released!!! http://mytime.igalia.com
MyTime 0.1
Today we’ve published the first release of this project MyTime 0.1. [As you already know][1] MyTime shows information about which applications you have been used on your computer.
Igalia Seventh Anniversary Dinner tonight… leaving to A Coruña
gl_transstat: translate pages and records in an easy way on TYPO3
[gl_transstat][1] is a great [TYPO3 extension][2] developed by my workmate [Diego][3] that allows create translations of pages and records on [TYPO3][4] very easily and keep track of translation status of them.
MyTime: free software to improve time management
This week we’ve released [MyTime project][1], this project try to be a system to monitoring your time while you’re using a computer, providing a graphical user interface that generates different kind of charts with information about what applications you use in your computer.
FORMidable: Starting Collaboration
This week I’ve started my collaboration with [FORMidable][1], a [TYPO3][2] extension.
Testing Online Desktop on Hardy Heron: Quick Guide
I’ve been testing [Online Desktop][1] the last days on an Ubuntu distribution.
O Galego en TYPO3 III
[TYPO3 4.2 foi lanzado onte][1], o que implica que o galego xa está soportado no core de [TYPO3][2].
Galician in TYPO3 III
[TYPO3 4.2 was released yesterday][1], it means that Galician is already supported inside [TYPO3][2] core.