Software Libre en enredad@s

El viernes de la semana pasada participé en el evento enredad@s
organizado por el Consello da Xuventude de Galicia en representación de GPUL.

Estas jornadas estaban orientadas a jovenes universitarios y la temática general era Juventud e Internet. La mesa la compartí con Miguel Ángel Segovia (Junta de Extremadura, coautor del Libro Blanco del Software Libre) y con Jesus Salceda (Responsable del Area de Informática de la UDC).

La charla se enfocó principalmente al punto filosófico del Software Libre, que significaba y que posibilidades tenía, así como lo que supone como elemento dentro de la revolución de las ideas como comentaba Miguel Ángel. Jesús resalto las posibilidades colaborativas de una filosofía basada en compartir en lugar de otros modelos competitivos mostrando el caso de Wikipedia. En mi presentación presenté los conceptos básicos de la definición de la FSF de Software Libre, múltiples ejemplos de Software Libre, así como unas pequeñas pinceladas de sus implantaciones así como los avances que estamos viendo ya en galicia con la iniciativa Sin olvidarme de comentar que había LUGs a lo largo de la geografía gallega. Sería genial que alguna de esta gente que asistió a la charla se apuntara a probar el Software Libre, y a participar en la comunidad.

Aquí esta disponible la presentación.

Muchas gracias a la gente del Conxuga como Esteban y Loli por invitarnos.

Call for Papers de la III GUADEC Hispana, Vilanova i la Geltrú

Se ha abierto la petición de contribuciones (Call For Papers) para la III GUADEC Hispana, que se celebrará como parte la GUADEC internacional en el fin de semana del 24 y 25 de junio de 2005, en Vilanova i la Geltrú, Cataluña, España.

Las contribuciones pueden ser de cuatro tipos: artículos, tutoriales/talleres, posters , o mesas de discusión con fecha límite para la presentación de propuestas el 24 de abril de 2006.

Las contribuciones podrán realizarse en Español, Portugues o Inglés.

Las áreas de interés para los cuatro tipos de contribuciones son:

  • Proyecto Gnome: organización del proyecto, Gnome Foundation, Gnome y las patentes de software, el futuro del proyecto,empresas y agrupaciones involucradas, cómo colaborar, etc.
  • Plataforma y tecnología Gnome: biblotecas, principales avances, propuestas de mejora, presentaciones sobre el uso de la tecnología.
  • Aplicaciones, usuarios y Gnome: GNOME como entorno de trabajo, como herramienta de trabajo en grupo, como plataforma usable y de alta productividad, etc.
  • Proyectos y tecnologías basadas en Gnome: proyectos y casos de éxito en los que se utiliza GNOME como tecnología de desarrollo, usos originales de las tecnologías GNOME.
  • Presentaciones formativas o tutoriales sobre tecnologías GNOME orientados a principiantes.
  • Otros temas relacionados con los entornos de escritorio (KDE, WindowMaker, …), el proyecto Freedesktop u otras tecnologías de escritorio.
  • Cualquier otro tema que tenga relación directa con GNOME y el software libre.

Se puede obtener más infomación sobre formatos de entrega y proceso de envio en la sección de la web del congreso de petición de ponencias.

Más información en la web

Os agradecería que le dierais la mayor difusión posible en grupos locales, universidades, empresas, administraciones públicas y grupos de trabajo interesados en GNOME y en contar sus experiencias y trabajos.

Installing Ubuntu Dapper Drake Flight 5

This afternoon i’ve intalled new Ubuntu Dapper Drake, the alfa version with de codename of Flight 5. Its intallation was really nice and i’m writing this post using it. My laptop is an IBM Thinkpad R51, and i find that all the special keys are running ok, hibernation and suspension run with the default configuration. Even the combination to shut down the wifi connections seems to be running, really useful to save some battery.

I will try to get running following this howto the XGL server to get my gnome desktop really amazing.

GUADEC-ES in Vilanova i la Geltrú

During Malaga Open Source World Conference, GNOME Hispano agreed to promote its participation in next VII GUADEC in Vilanova i la Geltrú , we agreed with Quim Gil the local organizer of the conference in organize the III GUADEC-ES during 24 and 25 of June, the two days pre-GUADEC. We decided to repeat the schema of II GUADEC-ES in Coruña and launch a call for papers and prepare a web for the event.
So i hava almost finished this new web, and i hope that soon we can launch the news of this III GUADEC-ES in Catalonia.

Playing football again!

After more than one season, after been injured last year playing with Igalia’s team. My knee has a great test yesterday, i played my first match of Football indoor with the team of Computer Science Facultry of the University of A Coruña.
We have a good enought team, and we are leaders alone in the PDI/PAS (Investigation and Teaching Personal / Administration and Service Personal) leage of the University, two victories and no match lost. And my knee seems to be OK. I would like to know how is “Igalia under 70’s team” playing.

I had forgotten, we won 5-1 against Science Facultry team

Nightmare in the Airport.

I arrived at Coruña from the OSWC organizated Malaga last Friday, it was supposed that i would be in Coruña at 11pm. But at 11pm i was still in Madrid Barajas. I was flying from Malaga delayed, the Pilot said there was wind from the south in Barajas, and all the flights were delayed. When the plane was going to take off, a passenger get sick, so we had to wait more time to get an slot in Barajas to land.

I lost my connection to Coruña for 5 minutes, so there weren’t more flights to Coruña this day, and going to Terminal 4 to flight with Iberia would take a lot of time. Finally, we get a ticket to Santiago de Compostela with Air Europa. I run along the Terminal 3 and get the flight, i didn’t know where my suitcases were. I arrived at Santiago, and a guy from Spanair was waiting for us, he give us a ticket for a Taxi to Coruña, and after that i arrived home at 3am. We have to leave the car in Coruña airport because the keys were at Javi’s suitcases.

On saturday morning, i was phoned from Spanair saying that the luggage was at Coruña’s airport, so i take my car and finishid this little nightmare of return journey.

Second day in Malaga.

It’s the second day of the OSWC in Malaga, we have been listening several speakers sesions in this wonderfull Conference Center.

Yesterday, it was an interesting panel about spanish GNU/Linux distributions from diferent regional goverments. I hope that the intentions of collaboration to improve Free Software will help us to get better software and more employement. It seems that all important distributions (Linex, Guadalinex, Max, Lluirex and Molinux) will collaborate and try not to repeat effords previusly done by others.

Thursday morning, there was a panel about european gobernents and free software, I liked the talk given by Barbara HELD about IDABC, they are working in the European Commision to give reasons to Goverments about why Free Software is a good choice.

Finally, I met here some GNOME Hispano people, we’ll talk this afternoon about future actions of the spanish association. I hope we could announce soon new activities and actions to promote GNOME.

Starting blogging!

I’ve just started this weblog to talk about what i’m doing about free software. I hope i could say something interesting for you.

For the moment, i’m preparing a journey to Malaga for next 3 days, from Wed 15 Feb 2005 until 17 Feb 2005. I’ll be at the II Open Source World Conference. It seems that there will be really interesting speakers.

In the other side, i’m really happy because it has been published the website of culture, sports and cooperation of the University of Coruña
I worked last year a lot in this website , and after a long time it’s online. It has and interesting suscription service for the news of activities you can do at University, it has been developed in EzPublish