Last night at Birmingham

I’ve spent last week here at Birmingham attending VII GUADEC. It has been an amazing conference trying to define the future of the GNOME project.

The main discussions have been about the integration of Internet on the desktop and the future of the 3D desktop. This year i haven’t been involved in the organization so i could attend to a lot of talks.

Today i have been preparing my presentation for the BoF “Organizing GNOME events” where i tried to give some indications about what is needed to organanize an event related to FLOSS. The audience was really nice and there was an interesting discussion related to what we need to increase the number of events related to GNOME.

I feel that we should try to define a good documentation related to what is needed to make organization an easier task. Is there is anybody interested in my presentation you can get my Slides here or at GUADEC website.

It was my first presentation in english, so sorry for my accent 馃檪

Mi balance de GUADEC-ES

Otra vez nos hemos reunimos la gente que tiene inquietudes sobre la plataforma GNOME en Granada en la IV GUADEC Hispana organizada por GCUBO.

De la organizaci贸n no se puede decir otra cosa que merecen todas las felicitaciones por el trabajo que han realizado. La GUADEC Hispana ha sido un evento que nos ha permitido reunirnos en un entorno ideal gracias a GCUBO.

  • Cosas que me gustaron: la atenci贸n de los organizadores, la ciudad (granada y la alhambra), el restaurante de la cena, algunas charlas muy bien preparadas, el dise帽o de todo el material (y esa pancarta), la participaci贸n del p煤blico en las mesas redondas, el 茅xito de los talleres de dise帽o, ver a toda la gente.
  • Cosas a mejorar: que la gente env铆e los art铆culos de sus ponencias, que se cumplan los tiempos del call for papers, la realizaci贸n de tracks para hackers/usuarios (debe ser interesante para todos tambi茅n para desarrolladores), que la pr贸xima vez puedan venir la gente que no pudo como rodrigo, acs, alo, arc, etc…
  • Cosas que no me gustaron: la duraci贸n de algunas charlas (no es bueno llevar retrasos en el programa), que haya gente informal que no avise de su ausencia cuando tiene una ponencia que ha enviado.

Resumiendo, GUADEC-ES el a帽o que viene tiene que hacer bastantes cosas para superar el trabajo organizativo de este a帽o, esperemos que la gente de la URJC nos confirme que est谩n interesados en organizar la pr贸xima edici贸n :-).

Muchas gracias a Arturo, Loren, Manuel, Miguel y al resto de la gente por todo vuestro trabajo.

This week GUADEC-ES in Granada

I wanted to post about this year GUADEC-ES, but i’ve been very busy these days. This year this great GNOME event will be at Granada, one of the most beautiful cities i know. It was a pity that the Alhambra wasn’t one of the 7 wonders of the modern age, but it continues being wonderful.

This year GUADEC-ES has been organized by GCUBO.They are doing a great work, as far as i know they have been working really hard.

For this fourth edition i’ve proposed a pair of panels:

  • Past, present and future of GNOME HISPANO, this talk it’s about how GNOME HISPANO was founded and what have we done until now. Alvaro del Castillo, Jos茅 脕ngel D铆az and Germ谩n Poo will help me to drive this panel to answer some questions that we should solve to analyse the future of the group. I’ve wrote a short paper in spanish with some details abour our brief existence.
  • GNOME in 59 seconds, this talk is based on the format we used at last year GUADEC-ES during a free software projects panel. The audience can ask any question to the developers present in the panel, but each answer can only last 59 seconds in order to make easy the participation of everybody. Alvaro L贸pez Ortega, Fernando San Mart铆n, Fernando Herrera, Carlos Garnacho, Juan Jos茅 S谩nchez Penas will be our nice volunteers who will participate in this second edition.

We will have the asembly of GNOME HISPANO association like every year at GUADEC-ES, so don’t forget to pay your subscription as member of the association, remember that i’m the treasurer and i will publish people that have pending payments 馃槈