This week GUADEC-ES in Granada

I wanted to post about this year GUADEC-ES, but i’ve been very busy these days. This year this great GNOME event will be at Granada, one of the most beautiful cities i know. It was a pity that the Alhambra wasn’t one of the 7 wonders of the modern age, but it continues being wonderful.

This year GUADEC-ES has been organized by GCUBO.They are doing a great work, as far as i know they have been working really hard.

For this fourth edition i’ve proposed a pair of panels:

  • Past, present and future of GNOME HISPANO, this talk it’s about how GNOME HISPANO was founded and what have we done until now. Alvaro del Castillo, José Ángel Díaz and Germán Poo will help me to drive this panel to answer some questions that we should solve to analyse the future of the group. I’ve wrote a short paper in spanish with some details abour our brief existence.
  • GNOME in 59 seconds, this talk is based on the format we used at last year GUADEC-ES during a free software projects panel. The audience can ask any question to the developers present in the panel, but each answer can only last 59 seconds in order to make easy the participation of everybody. Alvaro López Ortega, Fernando San Martín, Fernando Herrera, Carlos Garnacho, Juan José Sánchez Penas will be our nice volunteers who will participate in this second edition.

We will have the asembly of GNOME HISPANO association like every year at GUADEC-ES, so don’t forget to pay your subscription as member of the association, remember that i’m the treasurer and i will publish people that have pending payments 😉