First time on the Embedded Open Source Summit: talking about the rpi5

Some weeks ago I attended for the first time the Embedded Open Source Summit. Igalia had a booth that allowed to showcase the work that we have been doing during the past years. Several igalians also gave talks there.

I gave a talk titled “Raspberry Pi 5: Challenges and Solutions in Bringing up an OpenGL/Vulkan Driver for a New GPU”, where I provided an introduction about Igalia contributions to maintain the OpenGL/Vulkan stack for the Raspberry Pi, focusing on the challenges to implement the Mesa support for the Raspberry Pi 5, the last device from that series, that was release on October 2023.

In you are interested, the video and slides of my presentation is now available:

And as a bonus, you can see here a video showing the RPI5 running some Unreal Engine 4 Demos, and other applications:

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