Meanwhile some igalians (*) was making a very useful view of the baobab, I was spending my time creating a 3D of this widget. To do that I used the great library gtkglext , which allows to add OpenGL drawing to any widget gtk.
While the base 2D view are very intuitive, and allow you a visual track to your directorioes, with tooltips, etc, my 3D view is a very beatiful view of a widget, but it is almost useless, as is hard to manage and select the directories. But, as I’d said, this look greats, and its funny create this, although I became a leech of the igalians laptops. For example, the Mario’s one, forcing him to work in this widget, when I kidnapped his laptop …
At the end of the post you can see a screenshoot of an alpha release of this widget. The next step is create the blocks more consistently, as at this moment has some visual “leaks”, and integrate with the original base.
This is a headache problem, as to avoid to add a new dependence with the baobab, I was working in a “parallel experimental” branch. “One day” its possible a total integration, but for this moment, we have two work groups.