Finally they accepted my patch in Liquibase https://liquibase.jira.com/browse/CORE-858 which is included in new version 2.0.2 http://blog.liquibase.org/2011/09/liquibase-2-0-2-released.html
LibrePlan Summertime
We’re starting September and the first release using LibrePlan name should happen during this month. We’ve a small delay regarding our initial plans but we think that we should be able to have something ready more or less by the end of the month and release [LibrePlan 1.2][1].
Fixing several issues in NavalPlan advanced allocation window, getting ready for LibrePlan 1.2
New minor release of #NavalPlan. Version 1.0.3 is out! Try the on-line demo http://demo.navalplan.org/
NavalPlan 1.1.2 PPA ready for Ubuntu Natty too https://launchpad.net/~libreplan/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
NavalPlan Web Services
One of the important features of [NavalPlan][1] is the integration with other software like, for example, ERPs. This integration is done with different web services provided by the application.
Some updates about me in Igalia
It’s been over 4 years since I joined [Igalia][1] back in April 2007. This has been a really nice period in my personal and professional life, I haven’t stopped to learn from the beginning and enjoyed the time with the rest of Igalia crew. Following the expected path, past month I’ve become [parter and co-owner of the company][2], which makes me feel really happy and proud. It’s really great share this experience with all you guys ;-).
Reviewing the first patch to NavalPlan by ComtecSF, nice to see that more companies start to collaborate https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=20110519172640.6b24efbc%40erizana&forum_name=navalplan-devel
Testing and polishing NavalPlan … release 1.1 is closer than ever … expect news next week
Improving error messages in NavalPlan
Lately [we][1] have been teaching training courses for [NavalPlan][2] users and developers. These courses are a great opportunity to see how people uses the application, which allows us to detect different usability problems in some windows.