My pull request for Transifex has been accepted! I hope to see it available at transifex.net soon ;-) code.indifex.com/transifex/pull-request/2/use-date-instead-of-timesince-in-project
After a long day LibrePlan 1.2.2 is out, main highlights: available RPMs via OBS, French and Dutch support http://www.libreplan.com/news/detail/article/libreplan-122-is-here/
L’italiano arriva a LibrePlan
First of all, I’d like to announce that in a few days [LibrePlan][1] 1.2.1 will be released. This is a minor release including lots of bufixes done since 1.2.0. Thanks to all the users for reporting the different problems you have found in the tool, with the new version you’ll have an improved experience using LibrePlan. For those who still don’t know, you can [report us any issue in project bugzilla][2] or directly [talk to us in #libreplan IRC channel on Freenode.net][3], we’ll try to fix it ASAP to be included in the next releases.
Viendo a Xavier Castaño dar la charla sobre LibrePlan en la Open Source World Conference 2012 https://www.opensourceworldconference.com/streaming-sala-5-2/
New LibrePlan website and other bits
][1]I’m sure that you have already notice it, but last [LibrePlan][2] version comes with a new website that you can visit at [www.libreplan.com][2]. The new website has been designed by [Opsou][3] ([authors of the new logo][4]) and sponsored by [Igalia][5] (the main company behind LibrePlan project).
LibrePlan in Transifex.net
Maybe you don’t know [Transifex][1], an open source platform for software projects localization. It supports a great variety of files including the two kind of translation formats that we use in [LibrePlan][2]:
After a long day LibrePlan 1.2 is out! hope you enjoy the new version libreplan.com/news/detail/article/libreplan-12-has-been-released/
Coming back to real life after a very special week in Igalia: 10th anniversary party, assembly and summit
Everything is green again! that means that we’re closer to release LibrePlan 1.2!
Very long day again, now LibrePlan demo is more robust ;-) we hope you keep enjoying it