Tomorrow I’ll be at BlinkOn 2 talking about CSS Grid Layout. See you in Zurich!
Selection interaction in CSS Regions is now spec compliant
This post is a recap to summarize all the work we’ve been doing in [Igalia][1] during the last months related to selection in [CSS Regions][2].
Finally the patch to make selection in CSS Regions spec compliant is ready for review https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=131511
CSS Grid Layout now available for testing in WebKit Nightly Builds http://nightly.webkit.org/
Welcome CSS Grid Layout
[Igalia][1] has been working in the implementation of [CSS Grid Layout][2] since past year (more below). This year I’ve had the chance to join the team and help to move forward this great spec.
Adobe Web Platform talking about our last posts to fix selection interaction in CSS Regions https://blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2014/02/03/improving-text-selection-in-css-regions-take-2/
Performance of selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink (Part II – perf profiler)
After the [initial post introducing this topic and describing the Performance Tests (perftests)][1], now is time to explain how to analyze the performance issues with a profiler in order to improve the code.
Approach to fix selection with CSS Regions (WebKitGTK+ hackfest late wrap-up)
As you probably know if you have been following this blog, we’ve been working for a while in selection interaction with CSS Regions inside a [collaboration between Adobe and Igalia][1].
Javier Fernández talking about Igalia work in selection with CSS Regions https://blogs.igalia.com/jfernandez/2014/01/22/improving-selection-in-css-regions/
I’ll follow up with a new post in the coming days
Now you can test CSS Grid Layout in WebKit2GTK+ using
environment variable https://trac.webkit.org/r162215