Starting to draft a plan to create a W3C test suite for CSS Grid Layout https://rawgit.com/w3c/csswg-test/master/css-grid-1/test-plan/index.html
My colleague Sergio Villar will be talking about our work around CSS Grid Layout today at BlinkOn 3 https://blogs.igalia.com/svillar/2014/11/04/im-attending-blinkon3/
Presenting the Web Engines Hackfest
After the [Google’s fork back in April 2013][1], [WebKit][2] and [Blink][3] communities have been working independently, however patches often move from one project to another. In addition, a fair amount of the source code continues to be similar. Thus, it seems interesting to have a common place to discuss topics of shared interest and make plans for the future.
Better selection with CSS Regions in Safari 8 thanks to Adobe and Igalia collaboration blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2014/09/30/css-regions-ios8/
Javier Fernández reviewing the status of CSS Grid Layout implementation in Blink https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/sckMiEWQqA0/m/V6FwsEEHzskJ and WebKit https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2014-August/026756.html
Starting to create some CSS Grid Layout examples at https://codepen.io/collection/nqQeYn hope you find them useful
Adobe Web Platform talking about the results of Igalia collaboration around selection interaction with CSS Regions on WebKit https://blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2014/06/17/adobe-web-platform-round-up-coding-testing-tooling-and-more/
CSS Grid Layout Automatic Placement
In his [last post][1] my mate Sergio explained the different syntax to position elements inside a grid. Now is time to talk about the automatic placement feature, how it works and show some examples of its potential.
Check out the slides of the CSS Grid Layout talk I’ve given today at BlinkOn 2