Last weekend, Master on Free Software organization (Igalia and URJC) arranged an open session in Vigo.
First of all, thanks to NovaCaixaGalicia because they offered us a meeting room to hold this session.
More than 20 people attended the session and 5 people from “Master network” put forward their experiences around free software. Some interesting topics:
- Jesús M. González Barahona talked about FLOSSMetrics
- Roberto Vieito explained a translation methodology and gave us a gift result of applying the methodology ;).
- Pablo Sanxiao talked about Icarto and gvSIG.
- Andrés explained how to manage R&D with free software tools.
- And, Xulio told us his experience with big companies and free software.
Thanks to lecturers and attendants. This open session wouldn’t happen without your help :).
I would like to remind that you can already enroll yourself in any of the modules (desktop/mobile and web development). We have just updated the program for the module.
See full summary at Master website.
A photo of the first lecture: