Some good news, the initial patches for :focus-visible are included in the last Safari Technology Preview release. But some bad news too, testing it I found out a clear bug when using keyboard to move focus. 🙁
See: https://webkit.org/blog/11577/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-122/
My colleague Miyoung Shin has added support for :dir() CSS pseudo-class in Chromium, it’s enabled by default in Canary 91.0.4438! 🚀 Thanks Eyeo for sponsoring Igalia to develop this feature.
Border radius logical properties are available in Google Chrome 89 and Safari Technology Preview 120 thanks to Ziran Sun from Igalia. Long live border-start-start-radius, border-start-end-radius, border-end-start-radius, border-end-end-radius! 🎉
:focus-visible in WebKit - February 2021
A report about the work done by Igalia during February 2021 adding support for :focus-visible in WebKit.
Some updates on Igalia work around :focus-visible.
Chromium default style sheet is using :focus-visible instead of :focus since 90.0.4412 (https://chromiumdash.appspot.com/commit/c3102c24006870f7f08444133209998b5b74aa54). Now you won’t see an outline when you click a
<div tabindex>
element, only when you use the keyboard to focus it. -
:focus-visible in WebKit - January 2021
A report about the work done by Igalia during January 2021 adding support for :focus-visible in WebKit.
Two highlights related to Igalia on the last issue of CSS Layout News by Rachel Andrew (https://csslayout.news/issues/287/):
- Open Web Docs launch in which we’re involved https://opencollective.com/open-web-docs
- Open Prioritization campaign to implement :focus-visible in @WebKit: https://opencollective.com/open-prioritization/projects/focus-visible-in-webkit
:focus-visible is now in the HTML standard, replacing :focus in the default user agent style sheet: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/rendering.html#phrasing-content-3
Thanks Emilio Cobos for the PR: https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/6256
This is part of the work Igalia has been doing related to adding :focus-visible support in WebKit.
I’m working on the implementation of :focus-visible in WebKit. So far my work has been around understanding the feature, improving the tests and finding interop issues.
See: https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#the-focus-visible-pseudo
Yeah we have indeed started. First thing by improving the WPT tests, which lead to find 2 interop issues between Chromium and Firefox. Then while importing the tests in WebKit, found an old bug related to “focus” event and :focus pseudo-class, which has been fixed now.
See: https://opencollective.com/open-prioritization/projects/focus-visible-in-webkit