Hard and long release day, NavalPlan 1.0.5 is finally out http://is.gd/gs4Wdk
Finished NavalPlan development course in Santiago, people seems happy with the tool! New users and contributors are expected ;-)
Ready for NavalPlan user course tomorrow in Valencia with Javier Morán
NavalPlan in Valencia
][1]Next week, [Javi Morán][2] and [me][3], will be in Valencia giving a [NavalPlan][4] user course to some people from [Generalitat Valenciana][5]. They already had a successfully experience working with free software in public administration with [gvSIG][6] project, and we hope that the history could be repeated again with NavalPlan in the short term.
How to create reports in NavalPlan (JasperReports integration)
This post has the intention to announce a small tutorial I’ve just written called [How To Create A New Report In NavalPlan][1]. From tutorial abstract:
NavalPlan printing status WIP for version 1.1 https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=20110205192404.6ae1e7e3%40erizana&forum_name=navalplan-devel
NavalPlan – First public IRC meeting
Yesterday, [NavalPlan][1] community met at [#navalplan][2] channel on IRC. Even when most of us are [igalians][3], also some other external people attended and participated in the meeting. We’re really glad to see that project community is growing bit by bit. ;-)
Debating about NavalPlan 1.1 at #navalplan IRC channel on freenode.net
NavalPlan 1.0 – Some random numbers
Past week [we][1] published the first stable version of NavalPlan, you can [read the announcement for more information about version 1.0][2].
NavalPlan 1.0 PPA ready to download for Ubuntu Maverick and Lucid https://launchpad.net/~mrego/+archive/ubuntu/navalplan