Finished the last implementation task pending for LibrePlan 1.3, now starting testing and bugfixing towards a great new version
Currency support in LibrePlan
We’re getting close to the release of [LibrePlan 1.3][1], and as you can see in the [rodamap to LibrePlan 1.3][2] and also in the [last revision][3], one of the features to be included in this new major version will be:
Playing with yUML, nice way to create cool UML diagrams https://yuml.me/
LibrePlan is learning new languages: Salut, hoi, cześć!
We’re really happy to see that with every new release [LibrePlan][1] project is translated into new languages.
More than 3 years since the first commit in LibrePlan http://libreplan.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=libreplan/libreplan;a=commit;h=4f4fe94a8cbebf6078fbe63de099b8658743681c
Para os que se perderon a entrevista sobre SergasApp na radio galega xa está dispoñilbe on-line (a partir do minuto 13) crtvg.es/rg/podcast/banda-ancha-banda-ancha-do-dia-14-04-2012-296381
Hoxe falarei de SergasApp na radio galega no programa Banda Ancha de 15:00 a 16:00 crtvg.es/rg/programas/Banda-ancha
SergasApp en Código Cero ;-) https://codigocero.com/Unha-aplicacion-fai-doado-pedir
Anunciando SergasApp – Pedindo cita dende o móbil
Últimamente estiven xogando con [PhoneGap][1] (que foi renomeado a Apache Callback, e agora a Apache Cordova) un framework para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións móbiles empregando técnoloxías típicas de desenvolvemento web coma HTML 5, JavaScript e CSS.
Money based cost monitoring system in LibrePlan
Last weeks in [Igalia][1] I’ve been working in a new feature that will be included in the next [LibrePlan][2] releases.