Thanks for listening my CSS Grid Layout talk at HTML5DevConf, slides are available on my blog. Hope you liked it! https://people.igalia.com/mrego/talks/html5devconf-2015-css-grid-layout/
My HTML5DevConf CSS Grid Layout talk will be in the Contemporary Jewish Museum classroom today after lunch (13:30).
Tomorrow flying to San Francisco for Html5DevConf where I’ll be talking about CSS Grid Layout. Martin Robinson will be in the conference too!
CSS Grid Layout gutters now available in Chromium and WebKit. Thanks to Sergio Villar!
Grid Layout Coast to Coast
This month I'll be at HTML5DevConf (San Francisco) talking about CSS Grid Layout.
Really excited about going to San Francisco to talk about CSS Grid Layout!
Update of CSS Grid Layout Edge implementation are now in the backlog with high priority. Great news!
Updated flexbox “min-width|height: auto;” behavior to follow the spec in WebKit thanks to Sergio Villar https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/189536/webkit
Then you realize that “stretch” can actually shrink your CSS Grid items in some situations 😕
See: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Sep/0030.html
CSS Grid Layout alignment: CSS centering made easy! Test it yourself in Chrome Canary https://igalia.github.io/css-grid-layout/alignment-demo.html