Do you want to know the status of CSS Grid Layout implementation on Blink?
Check the slides of my BlinkOn talk: https://people.igalia.com/mrego/talks/blinkon6-css-grid-layout/
Enjoyining BlinkOn 6 so far. Talk to me about Grid, Layout, MathML or Igalia!
My grid talk will be tomorrow morning https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eYSF1eUAJefn2mRyY6saUzQc4JWQE3tZZhwgLjohvDY/preview?tab=t.0#heading=h.rx77pwie3tnj
Yeah tomorrow I’ll flying to Munich for the BlinkOn 6. BTW, I’ll give a talk about CSS Grid Layout status there!
See: https://www.igalia.com/2016/06/14/Igalians-at-browser-conferences-this-week.html
Cool stuff! MathML mode with SVG fallback is now enabled by default on Wikipedia
See: http://mathml-association.org/announcement/2016/05/31/wikipedia.html
Nice to see my last blog post about CSS Grid Layout as one of the week highlights. Thanks! 😉 https://csslayout.news/issues/44/#start
CSS Grid Layout unprefixed and available as experimental feature in the last WebKitGTK+ release: https://webkitgtk.org/2016/05/31/webkitgtk2.13.1-released.html
The post and Blink & WebKit implementations need a fix, sorry about that. Big thanks to fantasai for telling me
See: https://blogs.igalia.com/mrego/2016/05/27/css-grid-layout-and-positioned-items/
CSS Grid Layout and positioned items
Positioned grid items have some special features that will be explained on this blog post.
Couldn’t wait to test it… CSS Grid Layout unprefixed on the last Safari Technology Preview!
2 major things regarding Grid Layout on the new release:
- Grid is unprefixed now!
- Support for repeat(auto-fill)
See: https://webkit.org/blog/6415/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-5/