NavalPlan – Small features that will make your life easy
Last week we add the latest features for first [NavalPlan][1] stable version. [This week and the next one][2] [we][3] are going to work hard in order to test the application and fix a lot of [bugs][4]. After this phase we should be doing 1.0 release during first week of January.
Web Grilo Player – Playing with WebKitGTK+ and Grilo
Lately I’ve been spending my [hackfest][1] time in a new idea that seems to me like a nice test. The idea basically was to create a desktop application with a web interface for [Grilo][2] using [WebKitGTK+][3]. That would let me to play with [some][4] [projects][5] in which my mates are working, taking advantage to test the new features of HTML5 and JavaScript interfaces.
NavalPlan: Road to 1.0
[We][1] continue taking steps to open [NavalPlan][2] development. [This week][3] we’ve made public [the project wiki][4] where you can find information about the development, like for example which tasks we’re currently working on.
JAX-RS example with Jersey, Jetty and Maven
Last weekend I’ve been giving the last lesson of the Web module at [Master on Software Libre][1]. In this lesson we’ve tried to advance as much as possible in the practice that the students are developing for this module, a web application using [Java][2] technologies: [Maven][3], [Hibernate][4], [Jetty][5] and [ZK][6].