My talk “Be part of CSS evolution” from the W3C developers meetup that happened past October in Lyon during TPAC is now avialble online, enjoy it! 🎉
Nice to see my last blog post about css-contain on the last CSS Layout News Issue by Rachel Andrew, thanks! 😉
See: https://blogs.igalia.com/mrego/2019/01/11/an-introduction-to-css-containment/
An introduction to CSS Containment
Igalia has been working on css-contain during the last months, in this blog post we talk about the feature and the state of the art around it.
Sad day for the web losing one browser engine… EdgeHTML we’ll miss you.🙁 Only positive thing is that now all web rendering engines are open source and anyone can contributes to make them better.
Interesting session about CSS WG and WPT, we need more tests and testers, CSS seems like a nice way to start with. Community, documentation and external outreach were the main topics. https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2018/SessionIdeas#CSSWG_Community_Engagement_Regarding_Testing
The slides of my talk “Be part of CSS Evolution” at W3C Developer Meetup in Lyon are available on my blog: https://people.igalia.com/mrego/talks/w3c-developer-meetup-2018-css/
Fist day of TPAC 2018 is going great! Picture of Igalia booth at solutions showcase.
Igalia at TPAC 2018
Next week a bunch of igalians will be at TPAC in Lyon (France), this is a post about the exciting week coming.
Chrome 70 has just been released with an important change on how percentage row tracks and gutters work. You might need to update your site to avoid issues or breakages, more info at: https://blogs.igalia.com/mrego/2018/08/10/changes-on-css-grid-layout-in-percentages-and-indefinite-height/
See: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-chrome-70/?linkId=58284450
It seems Apple is starting to work on Houdini CSS Paint API on WebKit: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=190217