Igalia becomes a sponsor of GUADEC

Posted by javi vazquez on March 21, 2006

Igalia has become today sponsor of the GNOME User’s and Developer’s European Conference or GUADEC 2006, hold in Catalonya at the end of June.

My partners and me have decided to support this event not only helping personally, for instance helping in the search for other sponsors, but also in a financial way. Therefore, we have chosen to be a Silver sponsor, say, we support GUADEC with 5.000 € in cash.

Igalia selected GNOME as one of its core technologies for developing four years ago, after attending the GUADEC hold at Sevilla in 2002. The reason was that we needed to start developing a “kind of” ERP application for a Galician small corporation -the origin of nowadays Fisterra project– and we wanted to use free software technology for the desktop. GNOME was growing fast and Igalia wanted to grow with this free software desktop and development framework.

It has been a long way, but Igalia is finally in the position to contribute more to GNOME, both through professional and voluntary manners, and also funding the most important GNOME meeting. This is not a final step, but the beginning of and increasingly participation and collaboration with the GNOME community.


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