Tagged “MathML”
Web Engines Hackfest 2019
Personal review of the Web Engines Hackfest 2019 that happened past October at Igalia.
The first patch for MathML in Chromium has landed, the upstreaming process is ongoing now! Amazing work by Fred Wang and Rob Buis: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/8b8b60fb32ffcc41c3ae41224389822969e172f3
Some good news about MathML and the status of Chromium implementation by Igalia
See: https://mathml.igalia.com/news/2019/02/12/launch-of-the-project/#new
Summary of a week in Lyon for TPAC 2018
Past October a bunch of igalians attended W3C TPAC 2018, this is a brief post about our presence there.
We at Igalia have been in conversations with Google engineers to add MathML support to Chromium. Stay tuned! 🎉
Recap of the Web Engines Hackfest 2016
Overview of the Web Enginges Hackfest 2016 including a summary of the talks and the work around CSS Grid Layout and MathML.
Cool! My colleague Fred Wang has contributed a MathML test suite to the W3C Web Platform Tests (WPT) repository: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/tree/master/mathml
You can easily test now all the MathML improvements explained by Fred Wang in his last post: https://frederic-wang.fr/2016/07/13/mathml-improvements-in-webkit/
Fred Wang comes back with a lot of MathML improvements on Webkit developed by Igalia ➕➖✖➗
See: https://frederic-wang.fr/2016/07/13/mathml-improvements-in-webkit/
Amazing blog post by Fred Wang about Igalia work on MathML WebKit implementation. It’s looking pretty nice!
See: https://frederic-wang.fr/2016/07/09/mathml-refactoring-in-webkit/
Cool stuff! MathML mode with SVG fallback is now enabled by default on Wikipedia
See: http://mathml-association.org/announcement/2016/05/31/wikipedia.html
Layout Topics on the Web Engines Hackfest 2015
This is a summary of my participation in the Web Engines Hackfest 2015 around CSS Grid Layout and MathML.
Nice MathML session on the Web Engines Hackfest. Great progress removing Flexbox dependency on WebKit codebase.
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