My relation with free software
Past month I’ve started the [Free Software Master][1] arranged by [Caixanova][2], [Igalia][3] and [URJC][4] in Vigo, this’s the second edition of that master (previous was hosted at A Coruña) and this year I’m a student. I’m sure that I’m going to learn a lot of interested things about free software: philosophy, license, development, communities, …
Great GIT lesson by Berto on Saturday’s night of Igalia summit
Igalia summit in Santiago this weekend!
T3CON08: Last Day
Yesterday was the last day of the conference and after the party the day before people were quite tired.
T3CON08: Second Day
This are my feelings the second day of the [T3CON08][1] ([October 10th Friday][2]), actually it was the first conference day, because the previous day there were only tutorials.
In Paris waiting for the next flight to Berlin (T3CON08 is waiting)
Launched MyTime 0.2 with remote storage (http://mytime.igalia.com)
MyTime 0.2 – Remote storage
We’ve just released the [new version of MyTime][1] the main new feature is that now the information about applications use registered by MyTime is stored remotely, so you can use MyTime in different computers and share the same data.