Really great slides by fantasi explaining how layout works on the web, don’t miss them! “Defining auto” https://fantasai.inkedblade.net/style/talks/defining-auto/
Looking for images for my @CSSConf talk, thinking in a homemade picture.
More updates on CSS Grid Layout syntax: dots sequences are now allowed for grid-template-areas on both Blink and WebKit
No more parenthesis for named grid lines, brackets are the future! Blink implementation updated https://codereview.chromium.org/1168453002
Sergio Villar from Igalia is now an OWNER for Blink layout code, he’s “The Expert” on CSS Grid Layout code :-) Congratulations!
Grid and the City
In 2 weeks I'll be speaking about CSS Grid Layout at CSSConf (NYC)!
Really happy to be speaking about CSS Grid at CSSConf in NYC. Very excited & quite nervous! https://2015.cssconf.com/#speakers
Happy to see Joanmarie Diggs from Igalia as an official editor in the last WAI-ARIA Working Draft https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/ Great work, way to go!
Nice use case for CSS Grid Layout auto-placement feature explained by Rachel Andrew in her last post https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2015/04/14/grid-layout-automatic-placement-and-packing-modes/
Web Engines Hackfest 2015: Save the dates!
Igalia is hosting a new edition of the Web Engines Hackfest in December 7-9.