CSS Grid Layout alignment: CSS centering made easy! Test it yourself in Chrome Canary https://igalia.github.io/css-grid-layout/alignment-demo.html
Happy to announce that I’ll be talking about CSS Grid Layout at @html5devconf in San Francisco http://html5devconf.com/speakers/manuel_rego.html
Nice article introducing CSS Grid Layout by Patrick Brosset https://patrickbrosset.medium.com/css-grid-layout-6c9cba6e8a5a
Wondering if this is a flexbox bug in Firefox or Chrome related to min-width: auto
Working with Joanmarie Diggs at Igalia office today! Lots of stuff: accessibility, CSS Grid Layout, Flexbox, caret navigation, selection, …
The moment when Nicole Sullivan and Lea Verou congratulate you on your CSSConf talk and you can only say “Thanks” ☺
CSS Grid Layout is just around the corner (CSSConf US 2015)
Summary of my NYC week where I was talking about CSS Grid Layout spec at CSSConf.
My CSS Grid Layout talk at CSSConf past week is now online! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9js_5MjiGFo
Live transcript is available at https://2015.cssconf.com/#videos
Thanks everyone at CSSConf for the kind words about my grid layout talk! You’re a wonderful audience :-)
The slides of my CSS Grid Layout talk at CSSConf are available at https://people.igalia.com/mrego/talks/cssconf-us-2015-css-grid-layout/