Two new nice additions by Igalia on the last Safari Technology Preview.
- Trusted Types API has been enabled by default (sponsored by Salesforce).
- Reference Target initial support available behind a feature flag (sponsored by NLnet Foundation). This makes the example from my last blog post to have the right accessibility label for the button.
Nice blog post by my colleague Frédéric Wang about some issues when writing Web Platform Tests https://frederic-wang.fr//2025/02/21/five-testharness-dot-js-mistakes/
Announcing the Web Engines Hackfest 2025
A new edition of the Web Engines Hackfest will happen on June 2, 3 & 4 in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain).
Solving Cross-root ARIA Issues in Shadow DOM
Igalia has gotten a grant from NLnet Foundation to work on finding solutions for the cross-root ARIA problems in Shadow DOM.
Servo Revival: 2023-2024
Summary of the things that have happened in the Servo project since January 2023 when Igalia started to maintain it.
If you want a 8min update on the status of Servo you can now watch my talk at Linux Foundation Europe Member Summit 2024: youtu.be/NHa4LPpWRh8?si=VkKIEUFniRreaa-K&t=1352
Slides at servo.org/slides/2024-09-19-lf-europe-member-summit/
This has been in the oven for quite a while, nice to see it being enabled by default. Looks small but the implementation details are quite tricky. Hope to see it landed in other browsers. Great work by Delan and Stephen as part of Igalia collaboration with Bloomberg.
.info { color: white; background: blue; }
.info::selection { color: black; background: cyan; }
<div class="info">
<strong>INFO</strong> - This is just an <em>informative</em> message.
</div> -
Later today I’ll give a quick update of what happened in the project since the last member summit one year ago. Slides are available at servo.org/slides/2024-09-19-lf-europe-member-summit/ and there’s also a new Servo video at YouTube youtube.com/watch?v=Hz6m1lH7rqc
The Servo booth at Linux Foundation Europe Member Summit is ready. We’ll be showing Servo running on different platforms like Raspberry Pi 5, Android phone and Open Harmony board.
Come to the Igalia booth at OSSEU to see Servo running in Android and OpenHarmony.