Published LibrePlan Audiovisual website

After several months working on the application, it’s now available the website of the project LibrePlan Audiovisual

It’s a section inside the main LibrePlan website, which has been the starting point for this adaptation oriented to solve problems identified on the companies of the audiovisual sector in Galicia. More specifically on the area of budget ellaboration and monitoring of audiovisual projects.

It was neccessary to have a tool to allow the standarization of budget creation on a collaborative way, and to ease controlling of costs and time deviations over the initial budget, produced during the ellaboration of adiovisual products, solving the problems due to be using other non specific tools.

The project has been developed by Igalia and Wireless Galicia with the collaboration of the Galician Audiovisual Cluster (CLAG), and financed with public fundings.

Among his main features we can remark the next ones:

  • Budget templates system

Create new projects from configurable template trees with the budget structure and predefined data.

  • Budget execution forecast

Visualize and modify the distribution along time of the cost of the budget items, and compare the real costs to do the neccesary adjustments.

  • Advanced assignment of forecasts and cost details

Distribute in a fine grained detail level the expenses forecast, use the cost sheets to track the produced expenses during the project and integrate the costs system with other tools to import expenses through Web Services.

  • Filming productivities perspective

Measure the productivities on the ellaboration of the multimedia product being developed, according to different unit types (scenes, minutes or script pages). Define an initial filming plan, specifying the estimated productivities, compare them with the real measurements and adapt the forecasts.


  • Planning, expenses and payments plan reports

Generate printable reports either on PDF or HTML showing information on the project execution.

More detailed information on the application features, and the documentation can be accesed at

As the LibrePlan project, on which this solution is developed, LibrePlan Audiovisual is Open Source with AGPL license, and cam be downloaded and used freely.

In the same way, all the services offered on LibrePlan website related to its  cloud plans, trainingcustomization or support, are also availables for LibrePlan Audiovisual.

Thanks to all of us who made possible the existence of this tool, and I hope it can be useful to all organizations or companies interested on improving the planning, monitoring and control of their budgets.


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