Going to JSConf.eu 2009

After some doubts about if we were going to be able to register, we finally could sign up for JSConf.eu 2009, so two people from Igalia are going be in Berlin the 7th and 8th of November.

lg_logoJavascript is one of the transversal technologies in Igalia and this is the reason why there will be people in the conferences that has been working both on Desktop Mobile and Web Application Development groups.

Some of us already have quite a lot of experience with Server-Side communications with JS, and we are willing to go deeper in its usage to more advanced RIA oriented features within the scope of our ZK scheduling application.

We hope to get a lot of interesting ideas and boost our knowledge in the different frameworks that are going to be explored, have an insight in future opportunities, and of course, know people and have fun!

PD.  Then we take Berlin!

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