Online Desktop. State of the art

Some times it is necessary to take a breath.

The concept 2.0 is expanding too fast and some times it is mandatory to stop from your tasks to have an overall perception of how technologies are evolving. Perhaps the forest sometimes doesn’t allow you to see the trees. Let’s have a look on how to face an approach to the integration of these applications on the desktop.
Borrowing some ideas from Chema proposal:

  • Get a definition: What is online desktop for us?
  • Which is the relationship with Online Desktop?
  • Crazy ideas: What do you think that could your desktop do to improve your Internet experience?
  • Study the state of art of the project. What is mugshot?

Starting from the last point, we have started testing Mugshot Stacker in an Ubuntu 7.04.

# alien mugshot-1.1.45-1.fc8.i386.rpm

Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package mugshot: postinst postrm preinst prerm
Warning: Use the –scripts parameter to include the scripts.
mugshot_1.1.45-2_i386.deb generated

# dpkg -i mugshot_1.1.45-2_i386.deb

# mugshot
mugshot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So it is necessary to install libcurl4, and i will have to upgrade my distribution. Keep going…


Finally, it wasn’t neccesary. Reviewing the ubuntu backports and debian repositories mentioned in the mugshot wiki , I reached this repository where I could download and install the Debian package to start playing whith the Mugshot stacker widget.



  1. Welcome to net loren! 😀

    If you start to research about online desktop, it’s posible that this information is interested for you (about changes in hardware that online desktop model prompt):

    And .. a question that you could answer in you research process.. ¿what is the model for an on-line desktop?

    1. a web where you manage all your aplications (eyeOS style).

    2. use several aplications ( to manage links, google docs to write docs, slideshare, …) and other aplication (¿mushgot?) where you centralize all these aplications.

    I like second model.. it seem a bazaar before than a cathedral (as first model is) 😉

  2. Thanks for your comments Andrés. It’s a long time since I should have started this, but better later than never :-).
    I do agree with what you have just said. Perhaps de eyeOS is a good solution for a particular scenario, but that’s not what we are looking for right now. I consider that using local widgets It’s a softer approach to a complete integration with the web, and has important advantages from my point of view. (If just try to get rid of your OS in a classic mood, you will have to rename your browser to browserOS, and you would be in the same starting point).
    Anyway, let’s see what do we find!

  3. Hey, that’s cheating! I’ve tried to install the Feisty packages, but the process gave me some problem about signing keys. I’ve never tought about using alien to install the Fedora packages… It’s clever.

    Anyway, before submitting this comment I tried to install again the Feisty package from and it completed without problems. Unbelievable… :-m

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