Formatting . . . with disks-admin!

I’ve just committed some changes into disks-admin, and you can now format partitions (ext2, ext3, vfat, XFS, ReiserFS, jfs, …).

Disks-admin formatting a partition
Disks-admin formatting a partition

I have tried to not use technical words, since disks-admin is thought to be a user tool, but it’s in fact a sysadmin tool. Sometimes it’s not easy to find the right word in this kind of tools. Tasks like formatting partitions or creating / deleting partitions are more and more needed by the common users.

I want to say that disks-admin is not a gparted clone, since disks-admin is thought to become a complete user-friendly storage manager (not only disks, but cdroms, floppies, …) and not only to manage partitions, but to manage fstab, browse storage hardware, etc.

Disks-admin is still in early development status. The next feature to be implemented will be the partitions management (create and delete), and I hope that garnacho can help me with the fstab stuff.

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