using bugzilla, the right way
Yes, I admit it, I hate bugzilla. I mean, the bug tracking is something indispensable for every software project, but digging in its web interface for quick searches, I just find it unbearably awful.
Jhbuild beneath OpenEmbedded
Since a while I’ve been working on a OpenEmbedded overlay called marmita. But this post is not about it. Where I want to aim now is about a nice trick: how to use Jhbuild using an OpenEmbedded setup.
apache configuration for video tag in firefox
In contrast with Epiphany-WebKit, Firefox seems to be quite picky at rendering videos through the HTML5 tag <video>: it demands the correct HTTP headers.
Grilo meets Vala
Last week, after the internal presentation of Grilo, I got pretty excited about the project: basically, using Grilo I could make epris consume feeds from Jamendo.
Slides of my talk at FOSDEM 2010
I still don’t know how to submit my slides into the FOSDEM website, so I’m linking them here by now: