Tagged “CSS Regions”
Better selection with CSS Regions in Safari 8 thanks to Adobe and Igalia collaboration blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2014/09/30/css-regions-ios8/
Adobe Web Platform talking about the results of Igalia collaboration around selection interaction with CSS Regions on WebKit https://blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2014/06/17/adobe-web-platform-round-up-coding-testing-tooling-and-more/
Selection interaction in CSS Regions is now spec compliant
This post is a recap to summarize all the work we’ve been doing in [Igalia][1] during the last months related to selection in [CSS Regions][2].
Finally the patch to make selection in CSS Regions spec compliant is ready for review https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=131511
Adobe Web Platform talking about our last posts to fix selection interaction in CSS Regions https://blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2014/02/03/improving-text-selection-in-css-regions-take-2/
Performance of selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink (Part II – perf profiler)
After the [initial post introducing this topic and describing the Performance Tests (perftests)][1], now is time to explain how to analyze the performance issues with a profiler in order to improve the code.
Approach to fix selection with CSS Regions (WebKitGTK+ hackfest late wrap-up)
As you probably know if you have been following this blog, we’ve been working for a while in selection interaction with CSS Regions inside a [collaboration between Adobe and Igalia][1].
Javier Fernández talking about Igalia work in selection with CSS Regions https://blogs.igalia.com/jfernandez/2014/01/22/improving-selection-in-css-regions/
I’ll follow up with a new post in the coming days
Proposing ideas to fix selection in CSS Regions
Performance of selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink (Part I – Perftests)
In a nutshell, [CSS Regions][1] are a new [W3C][2] specification that allows next generation responsive design in the web platform (you can read [this article][3] for a nice introduction). [Adobe WebPlatform team][4] is doing a great job leading the implementation of this standard and we at [Igalia][5] are joining efforts to contribute to the challenge.
Adobe Web Platform talking about our work related to selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink http://blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2013/11/14/improved-testing-for-selection-interaction-with-css-regions/
Improving tests coverage for selection with CSS Regions in WebKit and Blink
It’s been almost a year since my previous post in this blog, I think this deserves an explanation. This year I’ve been working intensively in web internals as part of [Igalia’s browsers team][1]. Besides other stuff, I’ve been working in [WebKitGTK+][2] port and its new [WebKit2 API][3], contributing some patches into [Epiphany (GNOME Web Browser)][4] and lately working in the [CSS Regions][5] implementation in [WebKit][6] (where [I’m already a committer][7] :-D) and [Blink][8] as part of the collaboration between [Adobe and Igalia][9].
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