
Very nice talks in kaslab!!!

cso seco cso seco
C.S.O. Seco

I attended the kiwnix’s talk, about webservices with mono. I met with acs who I didn’t see since guadec-es :-))

Much heat in the marchesi’s talk where he talked about the Free Software philosophy and the GNU project.

Finally I talked about GNOME 2.6 and it seemed that the attendees were interested 🙂


After the intrusion to the GNOME servers the Software Map has been down, but now we have gnomefiles.org, a resource for users and developers to post and find software related with GNOME.

The site is cool, it would be nice if it had a GNOME style header, like developer.gnome.org, gnomesupport.org, planet.gnome.org, or even my own website.

I’ve just submitted the GNOME CPUFreq Applet 😛