Good bye Java!

After a course having to program in Java for several uni subjects, now I can happily remove java from my system :-))

$ sudo rm -r /opt/java

CPUFreq Applet

In my last post I talked about my cpufreq-applet plans for the current release cycle. Finally I’ve rewritten most of the applet and here are the results so far:

  • Rewrite cpufreq selector popup: done (Fixed bugs #336449, #338557)
  • Use libcpufreq from cpufrequtils: almost done. At the moment libcpufreq is used only in the monitor, but I’ll use it also in the selector soon.


GTK+ is using evince as a previewer in the new printing stuff. Great!. I’m working on a preview mode for evince available through the command line. I’ve added other command line options like –fullscreen and –presentation (fixes bug #317031) too.

There are still some problems. Right now, the printing dialog is closed when you click on preview and evince is launched. Matthias Clasen has proposed to add a print button in evince toolbar so that the user just click on it and the document is sent to the printer. IMO this approach has several problems: first of all, you can’t go back and change the print settings because the print dialog has disappeared. In addition, we have to provide a way to send the print settings from the dialog to evince which is not so easy to do. I think all of these problems could be solved if we don’t close the print dialog when clicking on preview and not allowing to print from evince when it’s in preview mode. What do you think?

GNOME System Tools

The new dbus stuff is in cvs head now!!! I haven’t tried it out yet, but I’ll do it as soon as I finish the exams. Garnacho has open a wiki page where he explains how to get it working.

Work (GSyC/Libresoft)

After some time without hacking because of the exams I’ve been working again on my project (DeTraS). I’m happy with the progress 🙂

Evince attachments

Attachments support is a PDF feature that is not known by many people. However, it’s a nice feature and very useful. You can add any kind of file to a PDF document as an attachment. For example, if you are writing a programming document, you could attach the source code of your examples to the document instead of making a tgz with all of the files (the document itself and the examples).

I thought it could be a funny hack for evince, and I decided to implement it. Finally it has been a really funny hack :-). AFAIK evince is the only free PDF viewer that supports attachments right now. Here is the screenshot:

A PDF document with attachments in evince
A PDF document with attachments in evince


This weekend I will be, one year more, at XGN in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). Personally, the best thing about this party is the opportunity to meet again with all of my friends from linups.


A few days ago, juanjo talked to me about beamer, a LaTeX class for creating presentations. It’s awesome! You can install it from ubuntu/debian repositories and it comes with a lot of useful themes. Beamer is thought to be used with pdflatex to generate the output, so it uses some pdf features like specialized links.

The other day I noticed that evince doesn’t support all of the links included in a pdf generated by beamer. Concretely the links that are called in the PDF Reference as “Named Actions”. The named actions that a document viewer is expected to support are NextPage, PrevPage, FisrtPage and LastPage, although there could be additional, nonstandard actions, like Find or GoToPage which are used by beamer.

Poppler already supports Named Actions, but poppler-glib doesn’t. I’ve added support for them in poppler-glib and then in evince too. Since we are “freezed” right now, we have to wait until branch for 2.16 to be able to check it in.

I have started a campaign in GSyC in favour of evince, since many people are still using xpdf. At the moment it seems that grex is convinced as well as acs who didn’t have to be convinced indeed. The big problem is that most of them are using old evince versions, so I’m pretty sure that, when they upgrade to dapper (at least ubuntu users) and try it out again, they all will change their opinion about evince.

Buoh 0.8.1

Buoh 0.8.1 has been released. The most important feature in this release is that buoh uses now a cache system for reducing the memory consumption. In addition it has been fixed a bug for allowing translations, so any translation contribution will be really welcome. It would be nice if it’s translated into spanish, don’t you think so serrador? 😛

For more information read the release notes here.

Buoh first public release

Yeah! Buoh, the online comics reader for GNOME desktop, is released yet. Don’t wait more!, go ahead, download it and try it out.

I’m very happy for steve-o and zioma, since they started this nice project for learning GTK+/GNOME development and Buoh is a real application right now. In addition it seems people like it, it has a really high qualification in

Busy Busy Busy!

Yeah, I’m even more busy than when I was studying for the exams. But at least I’m doing funny things right now 🙂


The GNOME meeting that took place in Zaragoza was really nice, specially thanks to dexem for the organization. We could talk about the book of GNOME Hispano, GNOME System Tools and since the whole buoh team was there, we also could work on the buoh for a while.

But everything wasn’t work, the night in the RNR bars of Zaragoza was pretty funny!

GNOME Hispano book

As I promised, I’ve started to write in the book, although I haven’t committed anything yet. I hope I can commit something soon.


I love selection feature of evince! I’ve been working in some improvements like allowing drag and drop of text selected.


Buoh, the online comics reader for GNOME Desktop, is very close to a first public release! Zioma is writing a spinner based on the ephy code for providing a better feedback when loading a comic. Steve-o has done a great work getting the first publication date for each comic in order to allow going to the first one.

GNOME System Tools

I know garnacho needs help with the new gst architecture if we want to have it ready for GNOME 2.14. I hope I can start helping soon . . .