Epiphany and WebKit2

During the last week, the Igalia WebKit team has been working on adding the initial support for WebKit2 into Epiphany git master. As we did for Devhelp, there’s a configure option (–with-webkit2) that can be used to build Epiphany with WebKit2. The option is disabled by default for now. The WebKit2 GTK+ API is more and more mature and complete, but there are still some important features to implement in order to be able to enable WebKit2 by default in Epiphany. Nevertheless, the main functionality works already and we encourage everybody to give it a try and provide feedback and bug reports. You can also take a look at the Epiphany metabug or the WebKit2 GTK+ API roadmap if you want to help.

Epiphany with WebKit2 playing a random Flash video

Epiphany with WebKit2 playing a random Flash video

The plan is still to have a first stable version of WebKit2 GTK+ API for GNOME 3.6, but Epiphany will switch to WebKit2 by default when we manage to fix all the regressions, hopefully for GNOME 3.8.


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