Evince 2.27.1 with preliminary annotations support

I said in my previous post I was going to talk about Evince 2.26, but I haven’t managed to find time to do it. Anyway, I guess that at this time everybody has already discovered the new features of Evince 2.26, so I’ll talk about 2.27.1 now.

2.27.1 is the first unstable release leading up to Evince 2.28. It has been released a week later, because the annotations support wasn’t ready, and we wanted to include it in the first release of the development cycle. At the moment only Text Annotations (those represented by an icon in the document with a popup window associated) are supported, and only existing annotations can be modified. Poppler doesn’t support adding new annotations to the document yet, so this will be the next step. Once we have complete support of Text Annotations, adding support for other annotation types should be easier.

A PDF document with text annotations in evince
A PDF document with text annotations in evince

I have to say that this has been done thanks to the great work done by Iñigo Martínez as part of the Google Summer Of Code program. I just continued his work.

Annotations are not the only new feature of this release, see the NEWS file for a complete list of changes. And we are still at the beginning of the cycle! 🙂

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