Evince 0.7.0!

Evince 0.7 has been released. It’s a development release, but I recommend to upgrade since it has some new features and lots of bug fixes.

Nickolay has added a preliminary implementation of history, it’s not finished yet but it’s a good start point.

Since Evince is a single instance application, many people complained because it wasn’t possible to open the same document in multiple windows. This is possible now. A new option “Open a copy” has been added, so that you can open a copy of the current document in a new window.

Presentation mode has also improved a lot. Wouter has added screensaver detection, based on totem code, so that screensaver is stopped when evince is in presentation mode. A new page has been added after the last one to indicate that presentation has finished and how to exit, like in any other presentation tool. Finally, you can blank the screen by pressing ‘b’ if you want to fill the screen with black, or by pressing ‘w’ to fill it with white. This is another feature which is present in other presentation tools.

Many bugs has been fixed in printing. Settings such as scale, copies, collate, reverse, odd/even, etc. are working again now. A new page setup dialog has been added to be able to select paper size, margins, paper layout, etc. Finally, printing to a PDF file is now supported too.

Many other bugs have been fixed too, see official announce for details.

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