A month without writing anything

I’ve been very busy the last days and lots of things have been happened.


My paper for the II GUADEC Hispana was accepted. I’m going to talk about the desktop integration in GNOME, I hope the talk will be interesting for the people. The schedule is available in the GUADEC-ES website yet

Interesting discussion about GNOME and fun started by Edd Dumbill on Planet GNOME.

Evince is more and more fast and useful, and it’s the best rated application in gnomefiles right now. Jrb has added support for continuous and dual scrolling, one of the most requested features that in addition I think make the difference with other pdf/ps viewers.


Many works to do . . . It’s the moment to be focused only in uni stuff. There is only one month until the exams

No Software Patents: There were a protest in most of the spanish universities and of course in the URJC too. There are photos of the event in the ACM website. There are also photos and comments in the steve-o’s blog.


Today, I’m going to play the last game of the 2004-2005 season for me. There is another one in two weeks, but I’ll be at GUADEC-ES then. I’m a little bit sad because the league is over, but in the other hand, I’m very happy remembering all of the games played.

The next Friday, there will be a 3 vs 3 championship in my uni (URJC). I already have a team 🙂 with steve-o and gabi. I’m sure it will be very funny

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