DVD support in disks-admin

Since I have now a DVD player in my new laptop, I decided to add support for DVD in disks-admin. It’s integrated with totem, so when a DVD video is detected you will be able to play it and totem will be launched.

DVD support in disks-admin
DVD support in disks-admin

I hope I can start with the fdisk feature as soon as possible


I’m enjoyed a lot doing a networks exercise. It’s a reduced version of the TCP protocol: Simple TCP (STCP). For the moment I only have to do the Open and Close functions, for establishing and closing connections. The main problem is that I have to do it in ADA. I have to do a big effort for not thinking in C.

GNOME hackers meeting

The next week will be the second GNOME hackers meeting. I’m going to present the disks tool again

Basketball :: San Pancracio Team

We have tomorrow the thrid match of the league. We have lost the first two matches, so we need to win this third one. I hope that our new pet (steve-o evil) give us good luck.

San Pancracio's pet
San Pancracio’s pet (steve-o evil)

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