TPAC, Web Engines Hackfest & Igalia 15th anniversary on the horizon
W3C’s TPAC #
Next week I’ll be in Lisbon attending TPAC. This is the annual conference organized by the W3C where all the different groups meet face to face during one week. It seems a huge event where you can meet lots of important people working on the web. Looking forward to being there. 😃
Due to our involvement on the implementation of CSS Grid Layout specification in Chromium/Blink and and Safari/WebKit, we’ve been interacting quite a lot with the CSS Working Group (CSS WG). Thus, I’ll be participating on their meetings during the event and also following the work around Houdini, with a close eye on the Layout API. BTW, thanks to the CSS WG chairs for letting me join them.
Like past year, Igalia will have a booth in the conference where you can chat with us about our involvement on the W3C, from the specs edition to the implementation of web standards on the different browsers. My colleagues Joanie and Juanjo will be attending the event too, so don’t hesitate to ping any of us to talk about Igalia and our contributions to the open web platform.
Web Engines Hackfest #
This year Igalia is organizing and hosting again a new edition of the Web Engines Hackfest. The event will take place during the last week of the month (26-28th September), it used to be on December but we looked for a better date this year and it seems we’ve been successful as we’ll be around 40 people (more than ever). Thanks everyone attending, we just hope you really enjoy the event.
As usual my main goal for the hackfest is related to CSS Grid Layout implementation. Probably it’d be a good moment to draft a plan for shipping it on Chromium as we’ll have Christian Biesinger around, who is usually reviewing most of our Grid Layout patches.
On top of that and due to my involvement on the MathML refactoring we did on WebKit, I’ll be very interested on keep discussing about MathML and the next steps to make it a reality on the different web engines. Some fonts experts will be around, so we won’t miss the opportunity to try to improve OpenType MATH table support in HarfBuzz.
Apart from this, it’s worth highlighting the big number of Servo contributors we’ll have in the event, from Mozilla employees to external collaborators (like my colleague Martin). I’m eager to check firsthand the status of this engine and their future plans.
Last, but not least, hopefully during the hackfest we’ll find some time to discuss about the upstreaming process of WebKit for Wayland, trying to convert it in an official WebKit port like WebKitGTK+.
And there’ll be more topics that will be discussed there like: accessibility, multimedia, V8, WebRTC, etc. We’re quite a lot of people, so surely we’ll have productive meetings on most of these things.
Igalia 15th Anniversary #
This month Igalia is becoming 15 years old! It’s amazing that a company with a completely different model (focused on free software and with a flat cooperative-like structure) has survived during all these years. I’m very grateful to the people who founded a company with such wonderful values, and all the people that have made possible to reach this point in our history. Thanks for letting me be part of it! 😊
Igalia 15th Anniversary Logo
We’ll be celebrating the anniversary on the last week of September, we’ll have several parties during that week and we’ll have one of our summits at the weekend.
It’s awesome to see back in time and realize how many contributions we’ve been doing to a lot of different free software projects, from our first days inside the GNOME project, to our current work on the different browsers or graphics drivers, among others. Lots of programs you’re using every day have some code contributed by Igalia; from your computer to your phones, TVs, watches, etc.
Happy birthday Igalia, I wish we’ll have many more years of success on the free world! 🎂
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