Grid and the City
I’m really glad to announce that my talk “CSS Grid Layout is just around the
corner” has been accepted at CSSConf US 2015
(18-19 June).
Thanks to the organizers for selecting my proposal, it’s a pleasure to be among
all these great speakers.
BTW, If you haven’t grabbed your ticket yet, you could use the following promo
code when checking out to save some money:
I’m part of the Igalia Web Platform team, and I’m currently working on the implementation of the CSS Grid Layout W3C spec on Blink and WebKit. So, I’m kind of an “exotic” profile in a conference like CSSConf, as I’m not working on frontend. However, I’ll try to bring the implementor perspective to the table, explaining some internals about how grid works. I’ll also introduce the basic syntax to be able to start playing with it.
My talk abstract from CSSConf website
CSSConf this year is happening in New York City and the venue, Caroline’s on Broadway, is in the heart of Manhattan. So, I’ll take advantage to pay a visit to our friends at Bloomberg, whom we collaborate with in the development of CSS Grid Layout. In addition, BrooklynJS is organized on the evening of June 18th, and as part of the ticket for CSSConf, we’ll have the chance to attend this event too.
From the personal side, this will be my first time in NYC, exciting times ahead! Feel free to ping me if you want to talk about grid, the web, Igalia or simply do some sightseeing; as I’ll be arriving on 15th June’s night.

As you might guess, I’m very excited about this crazy week, full of events and new experiences. I’m sure I’ll meet lots of great people and I’ll do my best to convince the world about the goodness of grid and make them feel how awesome it is. Exciting times ahead!
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