How to create reports in NavalPlan (JasperReports integration)
This post has the intention to announce a small tutorial I’ve just written called How To Create A New Report In NavalPlan. From tutorial abstract:
NavalPlan uses JasperReports to create reports in the application. This document tries to explain how to create a new report in NavalPlan.
During this tutorial you are going to create a report that will show the list of resources in NavalPlan.
This manual was created with the goal of helping developers to create new reports in NavalPlan. Following the steps described in the document, you will create a simple report which will generate the list of resources stored in NavalPlan.
However, it’s not a tutorial about how to use JasperReports or iReport, it’s just about how to integrate those tools in NavalPlan following project architecture and conventions.
Finally, please don’t hesitate to contact us on mailing lists or IRC channel if you find any issue. I hope you find it useful ;-)
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