Words from the Inside
Uninteresting things from an uninteresting developer
SeriesFinale for Diablo, v0.3
Promises are debts, so I’ve been working on SeriesFinale for Diablo in order to finalize all features that I left unported in previous version.
SeriesFinale for Diablo is in extras-devel
Thanks to Joaquim, he has uploaded SeriesFinale for Diablo to extras-devel.
Grilo 0.1.3 released
As the same time Iago was blogging about the Totem plugin based on Grilo, we were releasing a new version of grilo: 0.1.3
Bringing SeriesFinale to Hell
So finally we have brought SeriesFinale to Hell Diablo.
PPA for Grilo
We want to make life easier for all people that want to try Grilo. So we have set up a PPA for Grilo.