Words from the Inside
Uninteresting things from an uninteresting developer
Downloading personal data from web services
This post is a basic compilation on how to get your personal data from different social networks and web services. The reason to write it is for myself, as I usually make a backup of that data once or twice per year. So having all the steps in a single...
Implementing Performance Counters in V3D driver
Let me talk here about how we implemented the support for performance counters in the Mesa V3D driver, the OpenGL driver used by the Raspberry Pi 4. For reference, the implementation is very similar to the one already available (not done by me, by the way) for the VC4, OpenGL...
Grilo, Travis CI and Containers
Good news! Finally, we are using containers in Travis CI for Grilo!. Something I was trying for a while, but we achived it now. I must say that a post Bassi wrote was the trigger for getting into this. So all my kudos to him!
New Year, New Blog!
A new year has come! And with the new year, the usual new proposals: be better person, do more exercise, blog more, …
Highlights in Grilo 0.2.11 (and Plugins 0.2.13)
Hello, readers!