
This post is a basic compilation on how to get your personal data from different social networks and web services. The reason to write it is for myself, as I usually make a backup of that data once or twice per year. So having all the steps in a single post is useful. I hope it is useful for others too.

The services here are the ones I use. My plan is to update the post with new instructions if they change, or with new services I use (and the other way around, I’ll drop the services that I don’t use anymore).


This service provides a direct way to export our data:

After some minutes, a compressed file will be offered with all your data.


This service also provides a way to export our data:

It will take some minutes to provide the data. The link to download it will be sent through an email.


To get a copy of your Goodreads data:

Again, a link with to download the data will be submitted to your email.


Google allows to export everything you have (GMail, YouTube, etc). Note that this could be a lot of data.

Now you can control which data you want to export (by default data from all Google services). Once you know which data you want to export, press “Next”. Now, you can select the destination file type, the size (data will be split in files with that size as much), and where the file is put (by default a link is emailed to download it). We just use default options, and press “Create archive”. Now just wait until the you get it.


This services offers an option to export data.

Just go to “Export Data” option and click on “Send me my data”.


Unfortunately, they removed the option it had to export data. So we need to use an external application to export, at least, part of the user data.

There’s a python2 script,, download it and run as

python -u <username> -o <output> [-t <type>]

By default it exports scrobbles, but we can change setting to "scrobbles", "loved" or "banned" (this one doesn't work anymore). Output is in CSV.


It is very easy to download the data.

Once logged in, click on “Download your libravatar data” on the main menu. It will expose your data as compressed XML file.


Fortunately, this service provides a way to export all your data.

Select what to download, and press “Request archive”. An email will be sent with the link to download the data.


This service allows to download your datra too.


Go to your Account, and select Export.

It provides two downlads: a JSON with your account data, and another to download a CSV with links to all the documents and presentations.


Surprinsingly it is possible to get all the Telegram data, but his requires to use Telegram Desktop application.

Once installed, go to “Settings”, then “Advanced” and at the end there is “Export Telegram data”. Select what information to export, and press “Export”.

It will take some time to get the data ready.


Another service that provides an easy way to export all your data.

  • Go to account “Settings”
  • Select “Request your archive” in “Account”

An email will be sent with a link to download the file.


Another service that provides a way to download your data.

It provides different options to download your data. It takes time to get data ready (even some days or weeks), but a link with the data will be submitted to your email.

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Juan A. Suárez



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Uninteresting things from an uninteresting developer

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