After four years we all know the hackfest is wearing and interesting at the same time, long hacking days is the rule here. This year we got people attending from more companies and different parts of the world than ever: RedHat, Collabora, Intel, Samsung, Adobe and of course Igalia organizing the event.
As usual we have spent four days at Igalia office in A Coruña working in multiple topics: Epiphany (new designs, solve pending issues for 3.8), release last stable version, WebKit2 support and API development for 3.8, graphics (2D canvas acceleration, threaded graphics coordination), compilation performance, JavaScript memory usage, a11y bug fixing, GStreamer 1.0 integration, CSSRegions and CSSExclusions support, libsoup bug fixing, etc. We talked about roadmaps, future features for the port and for the GNOME browser, which would help to define the work for the next year.
I would like to thank everyone for attending and working so hard to keep making this WebKit port successful these years. And also the sponsors who make the event happen, if we continue growing next year maybe we would need a bigger venue.