Dec 21

Ozone: our way to the big change

Did you know that there is the Ozone layer inside Chromium? Well, Chromium is so huge, it has enough space for anything. Like the real ozone layer on the planet Earth that protects life beneath from harmful cosmic rays, the Ozone layer in Chromium shields the browser from the (sometimes unfriendly) environment. The purpose of Ozone is to hide the actual platform implementation and convert platform-specific entities such as UI events or windows into platform-agnostic ones. Unlike the ozone layer on planet Earth which is above the most of things, Ozone in Chromium is somewhere below almost everything. Heck, many things in computers are upside down.

Ozone is old. Quite a few of its source files are dated 2014, but probably that is the time when parts of the design that already existed somewhere else were re-shaped as the new component that got this name: Ozone. At that time it was used only by ChromeOS—likely to provide some adapters for the variety of base systems that ChromeOS had to integrate with.

Igalia started dealing with Ozone while implementing the native support for Wayland in the desktop Chromium. The full story of the project is so long and complicated that it is hard to find a single source that would cover it all, but if you are interested, take a look at The pathway to Chromium on Wayland by Antonio Gomes and Jeongeun Kim, or at this presentation from BlinkOn 13 by Maksim Sisov and me. Here I will only mention the major milestones.

From compile time to run time

When the work began, the Linux port of Chromium only knew X11 as an implied part of the Linux environment. There was a USE_X11 macro that was defined in Linux builds, and it was used generously to guard Linux-specific logic in hundreds of places throughout the code base. Everything was static, defined at compile time, and not welcoming any change. Our task was to find a way to insert something totally new, and after trying a few approaches, it was agreed that using Ozone for that would be the best choice. After all, its main purpose is hiding the platform, and Wayland fits well the definition of “platform”, so why not?

There was one problem with that. Back then Ozone was also enabled at compile time, and the only configuration it was enabled for was ChromeOS. For the desktop Chromium, it was not even compiled, the source files were not included into the build. To bring Wayland support into Chromium in form of the Ozone platform, we had to refactor the entire Linux implementation to make Ozone the integral part of Chromium, and then to convert the existing Linux implementation into one of Ozone platforms. What is more, we needed to do all that following the standard development process in Chromium: committing our changes to the upstream Chromium repository, keeping tests passing, and introducing as little overhead as possible. What is even more, we had to keep the existing implementation until the Ozone platform is fully functional.

When the plan was set, our partners in the Chromium community said, “even if we do all the job, noone will accept a change that big right away, so we need to be silent and approach the goal in small steps.” So we did, and it was silent until we sent the patch that enabled compilation of Ozone in Linux desktop builds. One of reviewers said then, “I don’t think this is right.” We managed to convince them that it was right.

Long story short, we followed that plan since 2019, and by the end of 2020 we started to feel the coming finale. The new Ozone platform, X11, caught up rapidly with the legacy implementation. In our dev environments, we used Ozone/X11 routinely, and noticed no difference to the legacy mode. To ship Ozone as the new default, the only thing we needed was ensuring that everyone else would not notice the change either.

How could we know that? Chromium has Finch, the built-in facility for doing the A/B testing on the real audience: users of Chrome. It also has another built-in facility for gathering various performance metrics on users’ hosts and aggregating them on the server side. Together they make it possible to compare different configurations. A new feature is first enabled for a small share of users in the developers release channel, then it is extended to a larger share, then the same is repeated in the beta channel, and finally it comes to the stable one. The performance metrics are analysed all the time during the rollout, so if any regressions are found, the experiment will be put on hold or stopped.

So to roll Ozone out gracefully and the controlled way, we had to combine both the legacy and the Ozone paths in the single binary, so that Ozone could be enabled for the end user at run time in the process of A/B testing. The Ozone mode would be the new “feature”, and switching the mode would be possible by setting the so called feature flag. That was also part of the grand plan.

One year ago and today

At the beginning of 2021 we were actively working on completing the feature for A/B testing. We revised all Linux-specific code so that it could be used by both the legacy implementation and the Ozone platform. We fixed and enabled tests. We configured the infrastructure so that the continuous integration would be aware of Ozone. Finally, everything was ready.

The field trial of Ozone with the X11 platform started on April, 30th, and finished by the end of August with success. Since that time, Ozone is the default path for Linux. We started to clean up the code immediately, and by date, the USE_X11 macro is history.

We still keep a few items of USE_X11 displayed in museums, but sooner or later the inventory committee may decide that they have no historical value—and throw them away.

Modularity has always been one of core principles of Linux. From that perspective, migrating Chromium from its monolithic design to Ozone that is naturally modular was the right choice. The new architecture is much easier to extend, both for Chromium itself and for downstream projects. Check this video to see what it takes to implement a minimal Ozone platform—not much!

For more details on where we are now, see another post by my colleague Maksim.

What is next?

These days we are coming to the public release of Wayland, the second Ozone platform for the desktop Chromium. It is not as simple as the demo that I mentioned above—we have been working on it during all these years. Ozone has grown a lot thanks to our work on two real platforms, and gained flexibility that it did not have before. We extended Ozone a lot to make that possible, and hopefully it will now stabilise a bit.

After the Wayland platform is finally released, we expect some support and maintenance work to be coming for a while. Wayland (I mean the compositor here) is itself evolving rapidly, and it has already got a few distinct “flavours” attributed to major Linux desktop environments, which is one more question to modularity and flexibility of Chromium and other applications. We will keep an eye on that—and tell you the news.