WebKit Flatpak SDK and gst-build
This post is an annex of Phil’s Introducing the WebKit Flatpak SDK. Please make sure to read it, if you haven’t already.
Review of the Igalia Multimedia team Activities (2019/H2)
This blog post is a review of the various activities the Igalia Multimedia team was involved along the second half of 2019.
GStreamer-VAAPI 1.16 and libva 2.6 in Debian
Debian has migrated libva 2.6 into testing. This release includes a pull request that changes how the drivers are selected to be loaded and used. As the pull request mentions:
Generating a GStreamer-1.14 bundle for TravisCI with Ubuntu/Trusty
For having continuous integration in your multimedia project hosted in GitHub with TravisCI, you may want to compile and run tests with a recent version of GStreamer. Nonetheless, TravisCI mainly offers Ubuntu Trusty as one of the possible distributions to deploy in their CI, and that distribution packages GStreamer 1.2, which might be a bit old for your project’s requirements.
Review of Igalia's Multimedia Activities (2018/H2)
This is the first semiyearly report about Igalia’s activities around multimedia, covering the second half of 2018.