Rego’s Everyday Life

A blog about my work at Igalia.

A bunch of Servo flyers in a table at Linux Foundation Europe Member Summit in Vienna at 19th September 2024. © Picture by Linux Foundation

Servo Revival: 2023-2024

As many of you already know, Igalia took over the maintenance of the Servo project in January 2023. We’ve been working hard on bringing the project back to life again, and this blog post is a summary of our achievements so far.

Some history first #

You can skip this this section if you already know about the Servo project.

Servo is an experimental browser engine created by Mozilla in 2012. From the very beginning, it was developed alongside the Rust language, like a showcase for the new language that Mozilla was developing. Servo has always aimed to be a performant and secure web rendering engine, as those are also main characteristics of the Rust language.

Mozilla was the main force behind Servo’s development for many years, with some other companies like Samsung collaborating too. Some of Servo’s components, like Stylo and WebRender, were adopted and used in Firefox releases by 2017, and continue to be used there today.

In 2020, Mozilla laid off the whole Servo team, and the project moved to the Linux Foundation. Despite some initial interest in the project, by the end of 2020 there was barely any active work on the project, and 2021 and 2022 weren’t any better. At that point, many considered the Servo project to be abandoned.

2023: Igalia takes over maintenance of Servo #

Things changed in 2023, when Igalia got external funding to work on Servo and get the project moving again. We have previous experience working on Servo during the Mozilla years, and we also have a wide experience working on other web rendering engines.

To explore new markets and grow a stable community, the Servo project joined Linux Foundation Europe in September 2023, and is now one of the most active projects there. LF Europe is an umbrella organization that hosts the Servo project, and provides us with opportunities to showcase Servo at several events.

Over the last two years, Igalia has had a team of around five engineers working full-time on the Servo project. We’re taking care of the project maintenance, communication, community governance, and a large portion of development. We have also been looking for new partners and organizations that may be interested in the Servo project, and can devote resources or money towards moving it forward.

Picture of the Servo Project Updates talk at Linux Foundation Europe Member Summit 2024. In the picture you can see a room with a group of people sitting watching the presentation. On the projector there is a slide about Servo usage exmaples showing Tauri, Qt WebView, Blitz and Verso. Manuel Rego is giving the talk at the right of the projector.
Servo Project Updates talk at Linux Foundation Europe Member Summing 2024 (Picture by Linux Foundation)

Achievements #

Two years is not a lot of time for a project like Servo, and we’re very proud of what we’ve achieved in this period. Some highlights, including work from Igalia and the wider Servo community:

Of course, it’s impossible to summarize all of the work that happened in so much time, with so many people working together to achieve these great results. Big thanks to everyone that has collaborated on the project! 🙏

Screencast of Servo browsing the website and some Wikipedia articles

Some numbers #

While it’s hard to list all of our achievements, we can take a look at some stats. Numbers are always tricky to draw conclusions from, but we’ve been taking a look at the number of PRs merged in Servo’s main repository since 2018, to understand how the project is faring.

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
PRs 1,188 986 669 118 65 776 1,771
Contributors 27.33 27.17 14.75 4.92 2.83 11.33 26.33
Contributors ≥ 10 2.58 1.67 1.17 0.08 0.00 1.58 4.67

As a clarification, these numbers don’t include PRs from bots (dependabot and Servo WPT Sync).

Our participation in Outreachy has also made a marked difference. During each month-long contribution period, we get a huge influx of new people contributing to the project. This year, we participated in both the May and December cohorts, and the contribution periods are very visible in our March and October 2024 stats:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
PRs 103 97 255 111 71 96 103 188 167 249 170 161
Contributors 19 22 32 27 23 22 30 31 24 37 21 28
Contributors ≥ 10 2 3 9 3 2 2 2 6 5 8 7 7

Anyway overall, we think these numbers ratify that the project is back to life, and the community is growing and engaging with the project. We’re very happy about them.

Donations #

Early this year we set up the Servo Open Collective and GitHub Sponsors, where many people and organizations have since been donating to the project. We decide how to spend this money transparently in the TSC, and so far we’ve used it to cover the project’s infrastructure costs, like self-hosted runners to speed up CI times.

We’re very grateful to everyone donating money to the project, so far adding up to over $24,500 from more than 500 donors. Thank you! 🙏

Picture of the Servo booth at Linux Foundation Europe Member Summit 2024. It's a talbe with a TV on the left showing a video of Servo running on Raspberry Pi, there's also a smaller screen on the right, showing a presentation about Servo. Behind the table there's a Servo banner. Over the table there is a Raspberry Pi, a Rockchip board and an Android phone. There are also stikcers and flyers.
Servo booth at Linux Foundation Europe Member Summing 2024 (Picture by Linux Foundation)

About the future #

Servo has a lot of potential. Several things make it a very special project:

Of course, the project has some challenges too:

To finish on a positive note, we also have some key opportunities:

The future of Servo, as with many other open source projects, is still uncertain. We’ll see how things go in the coming years, but we would love to see that the Servo project can keep growing.

Servo is a huge project. To keep it alive and making progress, we need continuous funding on a bigger scale than crowdfunding can generally accomplish. If you’re interested in contributing to the project or sponsoring the development of specific functionality, please contact us at or

Let’s hope we can walk this path together and keep working on Servo for many years ahead. 🤞

PS: Special thanks to my colleague Delan Azabani for proofreading and copyediting this blog post. 🙏