Rego’s Everyday Life

A blog about my work at Igalia.

Servo banner in the background showing Servo logo and kewords: embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel; with some people around during the Linux Europe Member Summit in Bilbao at 18th September 2023. © Picture by Linux Foundation

Servo at Linux Foundation events in Bilbao

A few weeks ago I was at Bilbao for a couple of Linux Foundation events. My presence there was related to a new role I’ve been playing this year, as I’m currently the chair of Servo Technical Steering Committee (TSC).

About Servo #

So first things first, Servo is a web rendering engine written in Rust. Mozilla started the project more than 10 years ago, but in 2020 they stopped working on the project and Servo joined Linux Foundation. After a couple of quiet years, in January 2023 Igalia took over the project maintenance and we have been working on it since then. As part of Igalia’s team working on Servo, I’ve been helping here and there trying to coordinate efforts and make things happen; that’s why I was elected chair of the TSC. You can find more information about the Servo project at or in the talks linked in this post.

Linux Foundation Events #

On Monday 18th September, Igalia participated in the Linux Foundation Europe Member Summit with my colleague Samuel Iglesias, as part of the Advisory Board, and myself, as project representative for Servo. We had there a Servo booth where people could see Servo running on the Raspberry Pi 400 and browse the examples at As part of this event I gave a brief update on the status of the project, that you can watch live in YouTube.

Picture of the Servo booth at Linux Foundation Europe 2023. There's a banner with Servo logo and some brief explanation, then two screens and two Raspberry Pi 400 running some Servo videos. In the booth there are also stickers and brochures about Servo. Manuel Rego is behind the booth.
Servo booth at Linux Foundation Europe 2023

Next three days (from Tuesday 19th to Thursday 21st September) we participated on the Open Source Summit Europe. Where Igalia had three talks:

This time my talk was longer and included a detailed update on the Servo project, what has happened during this year, and our plans for the future.

As Servo is a Linux Foundation Europe project, we had also the chance showcase Servo on their booth during the three days of the event. There we let people know that the project is still alive, our plans for the future and we allow them to test Servo live.

It was a nice experience overall, and visiting Bilbao is always a pleasure. If you want to follow updates about Servo don’t miss the project blog or the Mastodon and Twitter accounts.